Gr.Ch. Polaris Plyus Andreas
Imported from Russia
Born: Feb 23/2018

Sept 2018 - Andreas enterred his first show as a Jr Puppy, and took Winners Male, Best of Winners and Best of Breed over a Special, Best Puppy in Breed then went on to a Group 2nd and a Best Puppy in Group!!!! We couldnt be more proud of this boy, what a way to start with 4 point major!!!!
- Andreas took Winners Male and Best of Winners and Best Puppy in Breed for another 2 points, giving him a total of 6 today.
On Sunday he went Winners male and Best Puppy in Breed and in the afternoon show he went Winners Male,
Best of Winners and Best Puppy in Breed again for 2 more point giving him a total of 8 points for the weekend!!!!
Oct 2018 - his 2nd weekend out Andreas finished his Championship going Best of Winners and 2 Best puppyin Group.!!! At only 7 1/2 months old, we are o proud of him!
Feb 2019 Halifax Shows Andreas entered his first 4 shows as a Special, the first and third shows he went BEST OF BREED!!!! and the second and forth shows he got SELECT DOG ! Great start,
May 2019 - Andreas entered 4 shows in Moncton as a Special and Went Best of Breed 3 out of the 4 Shows and Best of Opposite Sex in the other,really good start for this boy.
May 2019 - Andrea's Entered his 2nd show Weekend As a Special and took Best of Breed all Weekend
and he came home a Grand Champion
2019 - Patriot Papillon Speciality Show Andrea's took 1st in his Class and a 2nd in the Puppy Sweeps.